Trail Funding Programs

Trail Maintenance Program (TMG)

The program is designed to support community trail groups by funding regular trail maintenance activities, ensuring that trails remain safe and accessible for all users. In addition to this ongoing support, the program also allocates emergency funds specifically designated for significant repairs that may arise from unforeseen events, such as fires or severe weather conditions.

The program opens on April 1st; early applications are recommended due to limited funding. The program closes on December 1st or when the budget is exhausted.

Trails Engineering Assistance Grant Program (TEAG)

This program provides financial assistance to trail builders and managers for hiring engineers to support the construction, maintenance, and infrastructure inspections of multi-use and non-motorized trails. This funding helps ensure that the trails in Nova Scotia remain safe and environmentally sustainable.

The program opens on April 1st; early applications are recommended due to limited funding. The program closes on December 1st or when the budget is exhausted.

Community Trails Leadership Fund

This program supports trail development through the provision of funds for:

Leaders, organizational development
Capacity building for community trail groups

For more information, please contact

Capital Infrastructure

Recreational Trail Expansion Grant Program (RTE)

The Recreational Trail Expansion Program (RTEP) assists municipalities and not-for-profit organizations in developing new recreational trails, expanding recreational trails, and making capital upgrades to existing infrastructure and connectivity. This program increases opportunities for Nova Scotians to recreate in the outdoors, connect with nature, and get moving, which responds to the goals of the Shared Strategy for Trails in Nova Scotia.

The top priority outlined in the Shared Strategy for Trails in Nova Scotia is to align efforts and enhance support for these groups. To fulfill this commitment, the Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (OHVIF) committee and Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage (CCTH) have been collaborating to simplify the process for groups to apply for capital grants for trail development and improvements.

In the 2023-24 fiscal year, we introduced the streamlined approach and continue to refine the process annually. Now, applicants can utilize the simplified method to apply to multiple funders using a single application. Project proposals are reviewed by the OHVIF committee and/or CCTH, who will provide guidance and assistance throughout the application process. To begin, trail groups are asked to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form and follow the details and steps outlined in this document. This cooperative process is intended to unite us, reduce the administrative burden for trail groups, and lead strong, supported trail projects across the province!

September 1st – Expression of Interest Open

November 1st, 11:59 pm – Expression of Interest Deadline

February 1st, 11:59 pm – Application Deadline

RTE Guidelines (PDF)